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Real-time ski resort conditions and alerts worldwide

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Wondering where the fresh powder is falling or where to catch the next flurry for your skiing adventure? Snow2day is your go-to app for up-to-the-minute snow conditions, forecasts, and live updates from ski resorts worldwide.

Effortlessly access live data from a plethora of ski destinations across the globe. Stay in the know with real-time reports on snow quality, available slopes, operational lifts, and recent snowfall measurements. The virtual tour feature of the platform goes the extra mile, allowing users to get a StreetView glimpse of the resorts, adding an immersive pre-visit experience right from their phone.

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One of the standout advantages is the app's customizable snow alerts. Users can set notifications for their preferred ski resorts and receive timely updates on new snow layers, slope conditions, and road access changes. Moreover, it provides guidance on how to reach chosen ski destinations, ensuring travelers are updated not only on current conditions but also on the best ways to get there.

Even when offline, the stored memory feature maintains images of the resorts visible for user convenience, thereby ensuring a seamless experience. Detailed weather forecasting and the inclusion of snow cams give a live visual feed of the resorts and help users prepare well for the trip.

The platform includes a wide range of ski resorts, from snowy havens in Spain, Andorra, and Portugal to the far reaches of Argentina and Chile. It covers the pristine slopes of France, Switzerland, and presents various resorts in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Download Snow2day for free and immerse yourself in a world where snowy slopes and winter fun are just a tap away. Get ready to make informed decisions and maximize your time on the mountains with this comprehensive and intuitive winter sports companion.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Inmobation.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.1 or higher required

Information about Snow2day 4.15.03

Package Name com.inmobation.Snow2day
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
46 more
Author Inmobation
Downloads 1,251
Date Nov 26, 2022
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 4.05.10 Android + 4.4 Nov 27, 2022
apk 4.02.05 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Nov 27, 2022
apk 4.00.19 Android + 4.0.3, 4.0.4 Nov 27, 2022

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